In order to build up the research base of the CPAI-A and CPAI-2, a data archive has been set up to collect information on uses of the two inventories. Permission will be granted to researchers to use the items of both inventories for their studies under the conditions stated in the Request Form, which could be downloaded at the bottom of the page.

Researchers who would like to use the CPAI in their researches should prepare the following:

(1) a completed Request Form; and

(2) a research proposal, which includes the following:

a. the research objectives,

b. research methods,

c. target sample,

d. target sample size,

e. explanations of how the CPAI scales will be used,

f. explanations of how the copyright of the CPAI and its items will be protected,

g. other measures to be used, and

h. how personal data will be protected.

For requesters from Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, or for International requesters, either the hard copies or the soft copies of the Request From and Research Proposal should be sent to:

Assessment and Training Centre of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Room 419-423, 4/F, Esther Lee Building,

The Chinese University of Hong Kong,

Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong

Fax : (852) 2994-3745


For requesters from Mainland China, either the hard copies or the soft copies of the Request From and Research Proposal should be sent to:

Dr. Mingjie Zhou

Institute of Psychology

The Chinese Academy of Science

16 Lincui Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing

P.R. China

Tel: 010-64836958


To download the Request Form, please click on the icon below:

For best practice guidelines on the proper use of psychometric assessments for research purposes, please refer to "On the Use of Tests and Other Assessment Instruments for Research Purposes" published by the International Test Commission.