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Due to Copyright issues, we are not able to provide you with the full text of all our publications. If there are papers that are published by our research team, the full text of which you would like to obtain, but could not be found below, please contact Prof. Fanny M.C. Cheung.

Cheung, F. M., Fan, W., Cheung, S. F., & Leung, K. (2008). Standardization of the Cross-cultural [Chinese] Personality Assessment Inventory for Adolescents in Hong Kong: A combined emic-etic approach to personality assessment [in Chinese: 跨文化(中國人)個性測量表-青少年版(CPAI-A)的香港標 準化研究 - 兼顧文化共通性與特殊性的人格測量]. Acta Psychologica Sinica [心理學報],40(7), 839-852.
Fan, W., Cheung, F. M, Cheung, S. F., & Leung, K. (2008). Gender difference of personality traits among Hong Kong secondary school students and their developmental analyses [in Chinese: 香港中學生人格特質的性別差異及其發展性分析]. Acta Psychologica Sinica [心理學報], 40(9), 1002-1012.
Cheung, F. M. (2006). A combined emic-etic approach to cross-cultural personality test development: The case of the CPAI. Progress in Psychological Science around the World, Proceedings of the 28th International Congress of Psychology, Volume 2, Social and Applied Issues (pp. 91-103). UK: Psychology Press.
Cheung, F. M., Gan, Y. Q., & Lo, P. M. (2005). Personality and psychopathology: Insights from Chinese studies. In W. S. Tseng (Ed.), Asian Culture and Psychotherapy: Implications for East and West (pp. 21-39). Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press.
Cheung, F. M., Cheung, S. F., & Zhang, J. X. (2004). Convergent validity of the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2: Preliminary findings with a normative sample. Journal of Personality Assessment, 82(1), 92-103.
Cheung, F. M., Cheung, S. F., & Zhang, J. X. (2004). What is "Chinese" personality?: Subgroup differences in the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory (CPAI-2). Acta Psychologica Sinica [心理學報], 36(4), 491-499.
Cheung, F. M., To. C. Y. W., & Cheung, S. F. (2004). Gender differences in personality among mainland and Hong Kong Chinese [in Chinese:華人個性的性別差異], Occasional Paper No. 143, . Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Cheung, F. M. (2002). Universal and indigenous dimensions of Chinese personality. In K. S. Kurasaki, S. Okazaki, & S. Sue (Eds.), Asian American Mental Health: Assessment Theories and Methods. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Press. 141-157.
Cheung, F. M., Zhang, J. X., & Song, W. Z. (1996). Chinese personality seen through psychological tests: (1) Use of tests. [in Chinese: 從心理測驗看華人的性格 : (一) 量表的運用] In W.S. Tseng (Ed.). Chinese psychology and therapy 《華人心理與治療》, pp. 89-123. Taipei, Taiwan: Laureate Book.
Song, W. Z., Cheung, F. M., & Xie, D. (1996). Chinese personality seen through psychological tests: (2) Test results. [in Chinese: 從心理測驗看華人的性格 : (二) 測量結果 ]. In W.S. Tseng (Ed.), Chinese psychology and therapy 《華人心理與治療》, pp. 125-146. Taipei, Taiwan: Laureate Book.
Song, W. Z., Zhang, J. X., Zhang, J. P., Cheung, F. M. & Leung, K. (1993). The significance and process of developing Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory (CPAI) [in Chinese: 編制中國人個性測量表 (CPAI) 的意義與程序]. Acta Psychologica Sinica [心理學報], 25(4), 400-407.

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